Guys, do you think Barney Calhoun has the potential for a mod or further expansion of the character? (the remake of the original dosent count)

Guys, do you think Barney Calhoun has the potential for a mod or further expansion of the character? (the remake of the original dosent count)
I think he deserves a mod or maybe an official second spinoff. -Survived Black Mesa while Rescuing several Scientists -Survived the 7 Hour War -Infiltrated Civil Protection -Spearheaded the Uprising when Nova Prospekt blew -Hopped on a train to who knows where So I’d say he deserves something, whether it’s before HL2 or during.
real barney
That's not Barney Calhoun, that's Valve COO Scott Lynch.
It was used as a reference for Calhoun's face in half life 2
Half-Life Beating Quota:
There's actually a Black Mesa mod remaking Blue Shift, steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f…
that is a remake of the original blue shift, I'm thinking in something new