
Before the Source Engine family came into its own, the GoldSrc Engine was popular among the VALVe fan mod base. it brought graphic novelties that at the time were beautiful and incredible, such as transparent glass and animations not being based on vertices like in the pre-Half-Life era. GoldSrc was lost in strength by its older brothers (Source Enine), but it has a special place in the hearts of many people who used it or still use it. Here are some images I took.
Before the Source Engine family came into its own, the GoldSrc Engine was popular among the VALVe fan mod base. it brought graphic novelties that at the time were beautiful and incredible, such as transparent glass and animations not being based on vertices like in the pre-Half-Life era. GoldSrc was lost in strength by its older brothers (Source Enine), but it has a special place in the hearts of many people who used it or still use it. Here are some images I took.
Before the Source Engine family came into its own, the GoldSrc Engine was popular among the VALVe fan mod base. it brought graphic novelties that at the time were beautiful and incredible, such as transparent glass and animations not being based on vertices like in the pre-Half-Life era. GoldSrc was lost in strength by its older brothers (Source Enine), but it has a special place in the hearts of many people who used it or still use it. Here are some images I took.

Before the Source Engine family came into its own, the GoldSrc Engine was popular among the VALVe fan mod base. it brought graphic novelties that at the time were beautiful and incredible, such as transparent glass and animations not being based on vertices like in the pre-Half-Life era. GoldSrc was lost in strength by its older brothers (Source Enine), but it has a special place in the hearts of many people who used it or still use it. Here are some images I took.

(Edited by Moderator)
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