Metrocop | Half-Life articles, comics and more
I've posted about it before but not on the newfangled GMod community, so I figured I'd post it here once as an FYI: There's a website with over 700 comics created with Garry's Mod called Metrocop (metrocop.net). If that's your kind of thing, you'll find no shortage of good content to read there - from some of the first comics ever created to some of the best. (And no, unfortunately, we do not have Concerned there, Chris Livingston politely refused) There's more to come too, but I'm sure 700 is enough to get you started. Enjoy!

The community appreciates all your hard work to singlehandidly retain the amazing world of Gmod comics.
Thanks, but I can't take all the credit! There's still a very active community on Discord doing good work.
Ok, 99.99% 😋
And since that *is* a lot of comics, if you need some help getting started, this helpful article will do the trick: metrocop.net/articles/comics-arc…
A spotlight of hope and joy in this bleak dystopian future. :]
All I've Known is the New forums, but what were the Old ones like? I Like researching about the Old versions of stuff. Could you perhaps send a Screenshot of the Old MTC forums?