


30+ y.o. Wizard who loves Gmod and making comics

Joined 2 Jul 2023
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There was a new years party on the Metrocop Discord, 
we played some Call of Chuthulu (chutulu, w/e) in a voice call, 
lambda played a character and ended up kissing a zombie- 
and then ended up becoming a clown later (unrelated :V)
George played a NOSEY neighbor, 
arctic played a tough guy, 
and Lambda's friend, BrainDead, was there too :V

There was a new years party on the Metrocop Discord, we played some Call of Chuthulu (chutulu, w/e) in a voice call, lambda played a character and ended up kissing a zombie- and then ended up becoming a clown later (unrelated :V) George played a NOSEY neighbor, arctic played a tough guy, and Lambda's friend, BrainDead, was there too :V

I'm gonna be lazy and not explain anything beyond that someone from the Hammer Editor Discord Group (HEDG) was kind enough to model an oven for me in source because one didn't exist for this lol

I'm gonna be lazy and not explain anything beyond that someone from the Hammer Editor Discord Group (HEDG) was kind enough to model an oven for me in source because one didn't exist for this lol

Friend named Dusk misspoke saying she "wielded" our friend Arctic Avenger to the floor instead of "welded",
and I just couldn't get this image out of my head.
Combination of using Easy Animation tool, Advanced Bonemerge, and the Motion Blur in post processing.
All but the text/speech bubbles were done in-game.
And yes, I still have broken concrete shaders for some reason.

Friend named Dusk misspoke saying she "wielded" our friend Arctic Avenger to the floor instead of "welded", and I just couldn't get this image out of my head. Combination of using Easy Animation tool, Advanced Bonemerge, and the Motion Blur in post processing. All but the text/speech bubbles were done in-game. And yes, I still have broken concrete shaders for some reason.

My friend Lambdadude STILL doesn't know who Freddie Mercury is.
And for that he must die :V
He actually made the initial screenshots and edited the panels together,
But he asked me to make the speech bubbles.
So I tried something with the Liquify tool on to give them tails.
Not my best work, but he was happy with it and that's what matters :D

My friend Lambdadude STILL doesn't know who Freddie Mercury is. And for that he must die :V /j He actually made the initial screenshots and edited the panels together, But he asked me to make the speech bubbles. So I tried something with the Liquify tool on to give them tails. Not my best work, but he was happy with it and that's what matters :D

Made as submission to a comics competition on the Metrocop forum,
Had to include a specific image in some way in the comic.
Decided to be lazy and just made it a whole panel.
Can you guess which one it is? :D

Made as submission to a comics competition on the Metrocop forum, Had to include a specific image in some way in the comic. Decided to be lazy and just made it a whole panel. Can you guess which one it is? :D