I'm not sure if there's a list anywhere that compiles all of the Entropy: Zero related mods and projects going on at the moment, I was actually looking for such a thing myself, because Prospekt: Zero flew under my radar and was brought to my attention when a port was posted on the EZ2 workshop, but I couldn't find such a list, so I decided to try to get it all compiled myself: --For EZ1: EZ: Uprising moddb.com/mods/entropy-zero-upri… Episode 1 has been released, further episodes(plural?) in dev. Prospekt: Zero moddb.com/mods/prospekt-zero An extended demo is out, and the mod is apparently being ported to the EZ2 build; a port of that demo for EZ2 has been independently made in the meantime, but it has some issues, Citizen⁵ in the comments seems to have found a way to make it work: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f… --For EZ2: Isolation Zero moddb.com/mods/isolation-zero Still in development Contamination Zero moddb.com/mods/contamination-zer… Still in development Finally, this is not really Entropy: Zero, but it certainly fits the blueprint (you get to play as a Metrocop and you do Combine-ey things), so why not? Here's Human Error: moddb.com/mods/half-life-2-short… Episode 1 was released 13 years ago, the developers have since moved on to do other things with their lives. If there's anything I missed, please, do let me know! Edit: as per Bloody Body's comment, there's also the Combine Destiny port for EZ2 steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f… moddb.com/mods/combine-destiny A mod from 2005, if you want to keep shooting things and ordering Combine soldiers around, even if what you're playing doesn't have a particularly intricate story, then subscribe to this campaign to add it to your EZ2 bonus maps.

Combine Destiny moddb.com/mods/combine-destiny steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f…
Oh yeah, the Combine Destiny port you linked is pretty good. The mod is a little bit dated, it's kinda like the grandpa of Combine-centric mods afterall, but the EZ2 port breathes some new life into it. A great workshop mod to get for those who simply want to keep playing.
Very good friend 😁 amazing 🙂
Ye, I got that one on the list, but thank you for the reminder.
Human Error is way more related than you think, EZ1 uses some of it's assets
Indeed. I believe that includes the Manhack code? It could be said that Human Error is the "father" of EZ1.