


Hello i am your friendly Deadlock person.
Joined 22 Jun 2021
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member

To celebrate the launch of the Deadlock subcommunity, anyone who doesn't have an invite to the playtest can comment on this post with their Steam friend code to receive an invite! This is only done as a gift to the members of our new community. Please do not create posts about invites/begging for them.

Well a bit late but looks like the first Voice Actor for Deadlock has been announced and I am surprised is Samoa Joe the former ROH Champion and current AEW World Champion.

Well a bit late but looks like the first Voice Actor for Deadlock has been announced and I am surprised is Samoa Joe the former ROH Champion and current AEW World Champion.


PATCH NOTES FROM 09-19-2024 - Replaced the recent soul duplication hotfix with new behavior. Pre 10 min, lanes now always split orbs when there are more heroes than the assigned participants for that lane (3+ people in a dual lane, 2+ people in a solo). Previously it only split with 3+ people regardless of the lane, which is what allowed soul abuses when dipping into a solo lane. - Private lobbies can now assign players to duo and solo lanes - Fixed some recent bugs with Vindicta Flight that could cause some large bursts in a direction - Fixed being able to shoot while using Ethereal Shift and flying with Vindicta - Veil Walker: Fire Rate reduced from 30% to 20% SOURCE :…

Well its time to #ShiftingTheBar

(ALT) A screenshot of my screen with in the foreground being a window of the game Half-Life : Blue Shift while in the background is a Firefox window with part censored while showing the shiftingthebar webpage.

Well its time to #ShiftingTheBar (ALT) A screenshot of my screen with in the foreground being a window of the game Half-Life : Blue Shift while in the background is a Firefox window with part censored while showing the shiftingthebar webpage.

10-10-2024 Update

HUGE NEW UPDATE for Deadlock. TL:DR - - Ranked mode - New Casting Mode : Quick Cast - Added input buffering for ability usage - For private lobbies, added the ability to swap players on both teams with a button press. - Added "Allow Duplicate Heroes" setting in Private Lobbies And a lot more check this change log now.