Early development, but was in the mood to post something :) Some of the original half life areas will make an appearance in my half life alyx campaign Neuro Dose 👽
Found some old note books with doodles and ideas for a mod (that turned into Neuro-Dose) .. I think these are from early 2020 after the Alyx trailer dropped. Messy scribbles but thought I'd share anyway
*Repost, better quality* Work In Progress 'Storage' level from NEURO-DOSE, HLA mod. - Rise and shine
The docking bay of a missing place...
Some work in progress images from the Chamber level of NEURO-DOSE (HL:A mod) Charge it up!
This is the first skin I've made and first upload to the workshop. Was fun to do. I'm looking forward to leaning and making more :)
2020 to 2023 Before and after >.<
Some new media of Neuro-Dose for the new year :) More at - moddb.com/mods/neuro-dose/news/n…
The earliest HLA mod brainstorming notes I've found far... Kinda cool to look back on. I'll post the rest if anyone finds this type of stuff interesting 🙃