So WW3 is starting right next to my country so i had to join the military i may be mising a whille ( ...)
So to install old mods (this one is like 14 yrs old lol ) you need to take the files and put put the files into a folder then copy the folder to hl2 custom there thats how you do it
How do i install this mod is old and its says to extract it to hl2 folder so uh how do i install this mod ?
Good now i have A 30 series card (100% not stolen from the office) Now i can use source 2 to make Stuff
Hey i just found Niko from NYC here aka the guy that is russian pretty cool i wonder if he uh... can't say this sorrry guys
This feels like Half life opposing force but for half life 2 the mod feels like Valve made it. Now you can wish list it
Now i have found out that Black Mesa Made a furry thing wow Epic