


He/Him and Half Life

Joined 6 Jun 2023

What happened to Portal: Repercussions? I really wish someone would continue it's development.


I want to explain why I love Portal: Repercussions so much. When I was still a wee Portal fan, just after completing Portal 2, I discovered the modding scene of the community. I never got into programming, but I became an avid follower of Aperture Tag and Mel during and after their development. I also had a great time in the steam workshop, looking at all the pretty maps like a kid at a toy store. I even remember when the 'Meet the Cores' was still an active series. Eventually, I became less of a Portal player, still watching from afar, becoming a Half Life fan in the process (EZ included). But something always was in the back of my mind, something tugging at it. And I found it a few days ago when browsing Moddb: Repercussions. I subscribed to Lemurr back in 2017, and dredged it up when I was searching for the ost for Mel while studying, and I swear my eyes ballooned out my skull, and my jaw had dropped into the basement. Suddenly, all of these memories seemed to seep in, of when I …


Question for Breadman: I saw that BatBlast isn't under your dev name anymore, what happened? I want to make sure when I buy it all proceeds go to you and your team, not some hijacker.


PSA PLEASE LISTEN: A YouTuber named 'Kelski' has embarked on a valve journey of sorts, as he's never played any of the hl/portal games! For the love of GabeN, go to his channel and watch his videos! I know this is blatant shilling, but we need more spotlights on our beloved series, and I think he's doing a good job. I feel kind of guilty for not talking about this before, but he's put a lot of work into a quality review for all of the hl games up to hl2. Give em a visit, and I'm sure we can get more attention for his channel

HELP! I trying to get Raising the Bar Redux working on steam, but it just won't budge. I've downloaded it, unzipped it, put it in sourcemods and installed SDK and HL2 plus the episodes. What do I do?