ElliotJun 15, 2024Half-LifeMemesi have 58 friends who have deathmatch classic but 58 friends who don't wanna play deathmatch classic like to raise awareness #deathmatchclassicftw121212
ElliotSep 17, 2023SourceModdingpostal 3 freeroam extended update: the animal shelter is now an area you can go to in free roam. i hope i can get the demo for this mod out soon (Edited)
ElliotSep 16, 2023SourceModdingi am currently working on a mod for postal 3 that adds more areas to the freeroam mode im almost done working on the sewers area2
ElliotJan 1, 2023LambdaGenerationMemesi am using an ad blocker by me doing this lambda generation will shut down on march 17th 20231011111