This is the REAL reason GLaDOS hates birds, they are lethal
That's how you remaster Portal 1
Decided to combine Adrenal Vapor and Overgrowth
Hey guys,guess who I found in Half Life 2. Miss Circle and Otis.
Ms Circle chatting with another scientist in Aperture
I hope you like my setup. #shareyoursetup2024
Portal 2 GLaDOS wakeup but with mods.
NO.FRICKIN.WAY.(Tyler McVicker invited me for testing for Deadlock but my computer can't run source 2 games so I can't play Deadlock sadly unless I get a good new computer)
Why did I go through the Triple LaserVerse? Because everytime I do, Triple Laser seems to get more overgrown. One last question:Once I am in the Triple LaserVerse,can I still escape?