NightFoxMar 10, 2023Half-LifeMemesHalf-life 2 stare meme. Source unknown. Sorry if this is a repeat.1515
NightFoxMar 9, 2023Half-LifeModdingYes. CS RTX. At an early stage of support. The current simplified denoiser is off. A full-fledged denoiser is expected this week.4
NightFoxAug 15, 2022Half-LifeModdingHalf-Life RTX WIP. Replaced fake reflection texture by truly PBR material. With normal smooth. Note: point lights are still roughly sampled, don't pay attention, it be fixed in future. (Edited)31
NightFoxAug 15, 2022Half-LifeModdingHalf-life RTX WIP. Fully realtime. Test PBR. No bounce, only direct lighting, no full reflections, without normalsmooth and denoiser.