"Pow! Haha!"

working for al qaeda
"Pow! Haha!"
"Let's roll." Haha again, another old art. This time it's just SEAL Team 6 (CS:GO iteration) and my experiment on vibrant background. Don't be surprised if this looks inaccurate; I used my memory to draw the vest.
(twitter) original creator: @Fatpuppo
It's still vanilla Minecraft.
The Horse
Do not look at the operational end of the device. Credit: icanhas.cheezburger.com/lolcats/…
Been using HeroForge to make bunch of CS factions, especially GIGN, SAS, Elite and Anarchist. (oh btw i use condition zero sas head and global offensive body model bc there isnt any full-on gas mask available)
Happy Halloween
Зимний Ravenholm #ravenholm #рейвенхольм #георгийшериф #зима #снег