RyoMarianoJul 12, 2023Half-Lifethe achievements of taking the gnome to the end of the game are very time consuming but hey it ends up being satisfying when we get the achievement.(Edited by Staff)10
RyoMarianoFeb 1, 2023Half-LifeModdingI never thought I could finish zero entropy on my low-resource pc I don't even have a video card and I have 4gb of ram I'm happy =]
RyoMarianoAug 13, 2023Half-LifeI was waiting a lot for this event because adrian is my favorite half life character =)
RyoMarianoJul 16, 2023Half-LifeModdingI finally managed to complete both games with their achievements I think I had a lot of fun in the challenges of entropy zero 22