marOct 31, 2022Half-LifeAdrian Shepard thrives again this Halloween (Took this picture at work, they told us to dress up, people loved it)177
marJul 20, 2021Half-LifeMemesStop scrolling, Citizen. It's time for you to pick up your Daily Ration.94
marSep 13, 2021Half-LifeI wanted to share this gem of a map series called "Ook's Private Beach" The server is up on OpFor with Version 4 and 2, still running well. It just hardly gets any visitors anymore, usually 1 to 2 every few days.33
marJul 8, 2021Half-LifeFan artSorta old, but I forgot I had this, I have another Combine Elite drawing somewhere, just gotta find it.8