


SUp im lAmbda duud i'm a Animator, Comic maker, script writer, Graphics designer, Gmod artist also i love Houndeyes

Joined 30 Dec 2021
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Wake up Soldiers! It's time to join the Space Marines in the Rightous bison enjoyers group

We are dedicated to playing with bad weapons such as the Righteous Bison, Pomson 6000, Manmelter. We don't believe in weapons that work, we want silly weapons that will laugh our enemies to death.

The poster and the icon thingy was done by me
Id like to thank @starlight with the help of setting up the group
Wake up Soldiers! It's time to join the Space Marines in the Rightous bison enjoyers group

We are dedicated to playing with bad weapons such as the Righteous Bison, Pomson 6000, Manmelter. We don't believe in weapons that work, we want silly weapons that will laugh our enemies to death.

The poster and the icon thingy was done by me
Id like to thank @starlight with the help of setting up the group

Wake up Soldiers! It's time to join the Space Marines in the Rightous bison enjoyers group We are dedicated to playing with bad weapons such as the Righteous Bison, Pomson 6000, Manmelter. We don't believe in weapons that work, we want silly weapons that will laugh our enemies to death. Link steamcommunity.com/groups/righte… The poster and the icon thingy was done by me Id like to thank @starlight with the help of setting up the group
