kinoNov 18, 2023Half-LifeWe ran, We thought, We shot, and by god did we live. Happy 25th Half-Life!1515
kinoJan 20, 2023LambdaGenerationtop 10 reasons why a Ricochet subcommunity would benefit us all greatly -its ricochet -THE greatest valve made game ever -i rest my case(Edited)71
kinoJan 20, 2023Black MesaBlack Mesa: Blue Shift is the best half-life related thing to come in the past year1
kinoMar 18, 2022Half-LifeMemesProbably Unpopular Opinion #2: crying at the end of Episode 2 is justified, its sad, i cried. there, i said it.
kinoAug 14, 2023GoldSrcremember that one time i suggested a Ricochet subcommunity? yeah yup that was me i created the GoldSrc subcommunity im taking ALL the credit thank you5
kinoJun 11, 2022Half-Lifesorry i've been gone LambdaGeneration, i love you guys. This is my favorite community14