New Operation Black Mesa assassin dropped artstation.com/artwork/blzzZG

New Operation Black Mesa assassin dropped artstation.com/artwork/blzzZG
Wow, I finally got around to playing Entropy: Zero - Uprising. It was amazing... really, really well done.
WHOA!!!!!! The new Project Borealis media update is INSANE!!!!!!
I'm wishing Volkolak on Gamebanana had finished or released a WIP of their foliage and rock mods. This would be great in VR
Amazing Xen work by Lambda
New Half Life: Alyx map just dropped. Can't wait to find some time to try this and Re-Education
Confession: I have bought SO many games on steam… I either never played them, or I play them for like an hour or two before I get bored, annoyed with the mechanics, or frustrated with cutscenes and bad gameplay… then I just revert to playing the half life games / mods for the 144, 836, 001th time.
This new HL:A campaign looks sick. I’m impressed with the custom voice acting
Half Life Decay was my favorite expansion for HL1, and surprisingly, Opposing Force was my least favorite. Decay gave us a "buddy" experience that I really wish I had in HL1 (scientists and Barneys are only temporary pals), as well as some cool looks into things like library and dorms, and rec areas. I'm really looking forward to Peer Review...wondering if it will be able to be played as a single-player, like the PC port of Decay.
Why did theParryGod have to make the spikewall so badass? Now I want to be one, dangit.