Rλyner (resting)

Rλyner (resting)


I'm Ray, a dark artist. Emotions, allegories, symbolism are my drawings and sometimes just beautiful without meaning. Half-Life/Black Mesa on the main. He/Him 30+

Joined 11 Sep 2023
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Stare At The Art

I'm taking a break from hl art. My head is making noise like a motor ship. Need to switch attention and rest. I will temporarily be in another fandom. But I'll be back, there are still too many ideas. :) *Not saying goodbye*

Happy Halloween to everyone.

I don't have anything themed for Halloween (i never draw for holidays at all), however, for me the most creepy thing has always been my sketches in the zero phase. If you only knew how they scare me and how much I hate them...

Here's a portion of cringe and horror from me. xDDD

I'm sure you've recognized this sketch. Made in the traditional, later it was finished in the digital.

Happy Halloween to everyone. I don't have anything themed for Halloween (i never draw for holidays at all), however, for me the most creepy thing has always been my sketches in the zero phase. If you only knew how they scare me and how much I hate them... Here's a portion of cringe and horror from me. xDDD I'm sure you've recognized this sketch. Made in the traditional, later it was finished in the digital.

I'm a little tired of blood, philosophy and all sorts of highly meaningful stuff... The next drawings will be just beautiful and meaningless. Anyway, I'll try. х)