Legends say that King Freeman never said a word, but he was the best Resistance leader after Eli Vance. Full Version - deviantart.com/crispenchannel/ar…
Chell was eating a cake, while Wheatley and his pals were knocking in. (i hope portal is allowed on this website, cuz' it's in Half-life universe) FULL VER - deviantart.com/crispenchannel/ar…
Redone Silo lighting. In much more colorful style.
Dr. Arne Magnusson. Ridin' down the elevator. And yeah. Today the russian voice actor of the Magnusson, Andrey Yaroslavcev, had passed away. He was the great voice actor, and had so many great roles in russian game localizations. Rest in peace.
I updated my Portal artwork by re-editing it in Photoshop. So I hope it looks better now!
Freeman rides for free.
Guys, Joel Nielsen posted teaser for Black Mesa: TERRA Soundtrack. I still don't give a clue about what this means, but I think @BlackMesaDevs have something new prepared for their game. Patiently waiting!
I like what they're having. Now I feel jealous about my own creation. Damn they look wholesome.
ok, seriously.... WHAT'S WRONG WITH SFM?