progress update for crushing deep
sven music got me like

Maybe I'll get into music at some point.

we need more edits

Fantastic Brush Work

Half-Life: Extended, you just make things better, bro, look at Panther Eye and the new Bullsquid breeds., the Source engine comics and Half-Life content website, just relaunched its forums in celebration of the anniversary of the relaunch last year as well as the eleventh anniversary of the original website. You can already find some comics created with Garry's Mod and Source Filmmaker in the "Comics" section, and there's a Half-Life Discussion section just waiting for your hot takes on the Half-Life series. If you miss the forums of old or just wanna read some really good comics, vi…

Loss. png

half-life: alpha 0.52 in my head

Dr. Breen gets a call from his Bulgarian cousin, Vasil Brankov. Want a nice George Stukas' skin of your own? Download here:…