Andrew The Artist

Andrew The Artist


Hiya names Andrew and I like to draw stuff

Joined 25 Oct 2021
308 Negra Aroya Lane
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Happy Birthday to my good friend @laniminella! Without a doubt one of the most talented women I know, I really appreciate her friendship and the kindness she shows towards others. She never ceases to put a smile on my face and or to suprise me! P.S. She's Colette Green.

Happy Birthday to my good friend @laniminella! Without a doubt one of the most talented women I know, I really appreciate her friendship and the kindness she shows towards others. She never ceases to put a smile on my face and or to suprise me! P.S. She's Colette Green.

KA-52 engaging striders during the early stages of the Seven Hour War.


RF4319: Attention, friendly troops on the ground, this is RF4319, report in, over.

Aleksander: Shit, i'm the last one of 'em! I'm distracting it right now, fucking take it down quick!

RF4319: I copy, launching missiles, may god be with you, over.
KA-52 engaging striders during the early stages of the Seven Hour War.


RF4319: Attention, friendly troops on the ground, this is RF4319, report in, over.

Aleksander: Shit, i'm the last one of 'em! I'm distracting it right now, fucking take it down quick!

RF4319: I copy, launching missiles, may god be with you, over.

KA-52 engaging striders during the early stages of the Seven Hour War. Translation: RF4319: Attention, friendly troops on the ground, this is RF4319, report in, over. Aleksander: Shit, i'm the last one of 'em! I'm distracting it right now, fucking take it down quick! RF4319: I copy, launching missiles, may god be with you, over.
