Ace of Crowbars

Ace of Crowbars


Hello! I'm Mr. Crowbar, and this is my profile, which is also a crowbar. I'm here to self-sabotage, touch grass, and create works of art, and I'm all out of self to sabotage.

Joined 11 Aug 2021
City 20
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.

Can't be bothered to come up with an original description, so I'll just copy-paste the one from this video's YouTube equivalent: Cringe-worthy? Yes. Do I care? No. In-character? Absolutely. Audio footage from Monty Python's Flying Circus S1E9

What if the soundtrack of Portal 2 kept its mechanical, sci-fi motifs, but was in the same "style" of Portal 1? (i.e. focusing more on the thoughts and experiences of you, the player, instead of Aperture Science as a whole) Music by Autechre (Yulquen from Amber, reversed and transposed).
