
(Serious post. Ignore if you're only here for the fun stuff, or read anyway. Your choice really.) We hate to break character so soon, but we felt that it is important to say this now. We've seen @graygravelco's post. It's cool to see other people joining in on this stupid thing and so quickly too, since it's been only around 2 days since we started. However, we just want to clarify that the only "official" accounts that are currently part of this are the RED and BLU accounts. This doesn't mean we don't want people joining on the fun with their own accounts (As long as it doesn't become annoying), we just want to make sure people don't get confused and think every single account related to this belongs to us. If a new account will ever pop up, check if we're following it. If we do, then it means it's 100% officially made by us or related to us in some way. We may respond to some fan-made posts/comments from time to time. If that happens, you can treat them as "soft/half-cannon" if you want, unless stated otherwise. That's all we wanted to say for now. We'll be back soon with more stupid and fun posts!

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