Nicely, normally playing on Altitude with other breathing human beings when all of a sudden music blasts in and from instict you KNOW who the f*ck it is before you even check. "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, SINCERELY OMEGATRONIC" spams in the chat. The music players are multiplying and so does that mf as I press tab. I WATCHED the guy multiply on both teams on the leaderboard. So naturally, knowing what is going to happen, I exit the spawn like a chicken in a slughter house to confirm that yes, I do die of a headhsot within five seconds and guess by who. The sh*t was downright invasion and take over. "Noobs are lucky", "Don't press F1 I'm a valuable team member" and "New improved TF2 experience" says the chat on other times. I don't know what devs can/will do, I don't know how much more frequent this will get, I don't know how many of you have seen this thing a bazillion times like me, I just have one question; Isn't OMEGATRONIC f*cking tired already, shouldn't he have drowned in bloody shame by now, just saying, the guy has had his brain fried if he enjoys it
this omegatronic guy sounds like a real doo doo head >:(
You haven't encountered him? He plagues the casual matches, man