Sorry for not posting much. We were a bit busy while also doing some cleanup on our end, thanks to which we have an amazing offer for you all! As you can see, we're hiring! Looking for a janitor to be exact. If you have no problem constantly moving around the United States (and even some places outside of it), cleaning up large amounts of blood, corpses and dismembered body parts, etc. then this job is for you! More info on the poster! Contact us below if you're interested or have some questions regarding this offer.
ima work there
Is there a bar at 2Fort and if so do you get a discount if you work there
Also I need money and I have experience on janitorial work
Hell yeah! a job where you can clean up piles of dead comrades/enemies I already have experience sign me up!
do i get to keep some of the items
do you have Dental ?
If I want work, what I have to do? :)
i might have an interest