I have drawn at Black ops Assassin. #Halflife #Opposingforce

I have drawn at Black ops Assassin. #Halflife #Opposingforce
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have now finished Half-Life: The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time series. If you liked this compilation, lemme know in the comments! I also now would like to see what Half-Life or Half-Life 2 mod I should remake their arts! #SFM #SourceFilmmaker #HalfLife #BlueShift #OpposingForce #crossover #fanart #compilation #Valve #communitycreations
Made some more, this time for Opposing Force, Blue Shift, and one novelty cover art featuring Majora's Mask. Yes, I decided to change BS and OPfor's background color because when I use WIP version which is using actual colors, one notable Half-Life modder says that its too different from main character displayed. And yes again, I make HL:TLoZ - MM as standalone, according to MM's nature in LoZ lore.... Oh, and I used Juniez Classic Weapons Pack (except for Fierce Deity Link, which uses default H…
Made both of these, the first one is E3 2003 related, while the second one is roughly based off a meme. #HalfLife2 #OpposingForce #SourceFilmmaker #FreemanFebruary
Я похож на Adriana Shepard но у меня форма не серая но похож и гаечный ключ у меня в руках #adrianshepard #opposingforce #георгийшериф
Adrian Shepard Терминатор #терминатор #terminator #t800 #т800 #adrianshepard #opposingforce #opposingforce2 #георгийшериф
#gordonfreeman #adrianshepard #halflife #opposingforce #машины #георгийшериф #art #арт #machines
Что есть у Adrian Shepard #deagle #гаечныйключ #glock18 #halflifeopposingforce #opposingforce #halflife #георгийшериф