Attended the Budapest Pride with my beloved pet bullsquid and goat. They socialized and made some friends. #pride #bullsquid
Attended the Budapest Pride with my beloved pet bullsquid and goat. They socialized and made some friends. #pride #bullsquid
I was wondering what a bullsquid's personality type may be. Some people think it's ESTP, but on what basis? What do you think, how would you type the bullsquid? #mbti #bullsquid
*Insert Bullsquid joke here* Anway's this is the weirdest site so incase you were wondering. 74,912 people have BullSquidded so far and 93 are BullSquidding right now! People have been BullSqudding for a collective 21,846 days, 5 hours, 12 minutes totaling 273,508 unique runs! Remember #Bullsquid