Thank you Ash Lad for the absolute horrors that took place on DoD:S #Lambdagengamenight Here, have some fan art.
Thank you Ash Lad for the absolute horrors that took place on DoD:S #Lambdagengamenight Here, have some fan art.
1 round only as my ping was above 200 :( #LambdagenGamenight
Me trying to sleep after DOD:S #LambdaGenGamenight
BAZOOKA! BAZOOKA! BAZOOKA! BAZOOKA! BAZOOKA! Thank you Ash Lad for opening up the T-Posing Pandora Box. GG #LambdagenGamenight
@ash-lad Summary of the gamenight for those who missed it #LambdagenGamenight
Screenshots from the Day of Defeat: Source gamenight DOD:S is still one of my favorite multiplayer games, this was a lot of fun ^^ Special thanks go to Ash Lad for demonstrating how to become a T-posing kamikaze soldier #LambdaGenGamenight
Thank you for participating the Day of Defeat: Source LambdaGen Gamenight! There was a lot of "BAZOOKA!" Special thanks to VaultF4 for their servers. vaultf4.com Remember to post your own screenshots at community.lambdageneration.com/l… with the #lambdagengamenight tag. We will see you up ahead.
DAY OF DEFEAT: SOURCE - GAMENIGHT SATURDAY 🪖 This week's LambdaGeneration Gamenight, we're going to be playing Day of Defeat: Source! Come and join us on Saturday, as we are going to war and capture some flags and blow up some tanks (and artillery)! HOW TO INSTALL AND JOIN? - Visit gamenight.lambdageneration.com and click CONNECT when the gamenight starts! WHEN IT STARTS? 🕖 The gamenight starts on Saturday, February 8 - 8PM GMT 📅 9PM CET / 3PM ET / 2PM CT / 12PM PT Join our Discord to get…
BAZOOKA! -Ash Lad (@ash-lad) I wish this game had a D-Day map, that woulda been super fun! #LambdaGenGamenight
stupid killcams and stuff from the tf2c gamenight, part 1 #lambdagengamenight