I'm so excited to announce to you all, The Source Engine Blender Collection! An archive of EIGHT of Valve's Source Engine games with their models, materials and maps all ported to Blender in the highest quality possible. I have stuffed this thing like a thanksgiving turkey with tons of features, so I absolutely recommend reading the guide on this. But here's the rundown: What's included? - ~40 GiB of content - 90,000+ Models and materials from games, including ones embedded into maps - Asset library support for models and materials - Most animations are imported - Self-shadowing bump maps converted to Normal Maps - Maps made to look as close to in-game as possible, including Source-style ropes - HDRi's of skyboxes - Correct skins for props on maps - Porting tools I wrote + Guide I know that last year I promised I was finished after The TF2 Map Pack, but I lied! Don't worry, this was made with 90% less pain, because now I actually know what I'm doing. Interested? Here's the documentation!: github.com/hisprofile/blenderstu… Please read the installation instructions! You can find the link to the games under the table of contents. Have fun!
