Anyone else find this concept art piece of G-man really fascinating? While this isn't canon per se, it's still interesting to think about. This is the only time we ever see him looking so defeated. Was this the vortigaunt energy of the vault getting to him? Or Is this what he's truly like behind the scenes when he isn't tending to Gordon or Alyx? He's still working for his "employers", meaning that he isn't actually as omniscient or as powerful as he may seem... What do you guys think?

I've found this piece fascinating too. He looks so frustrated.
Well considering this is just a fan piece, I don't think he's defeated necessarily. He was just standing in the Vault when Alyx found him, waiting patiently till someone broke him out. Whether or not the Gman is just a puppet for an even larger threat like the "employers," we do not know the extent of his metal processes nor omnipotence.
This isn't a fan piece as far as I recall, it was from the Final Hours and is official concept art.
Yeah I just found out the source of the image. I’d have to say it would probably be the Vortigaunt energy. The Gman looked concerned when the Vortigaunts cut off his access to Gordon in Ep1. Could be a weakness when undergoing long term exposure - like Kryptonite.
Gman took too many normal pills
Yeah, it really IS fascinating Consiedering this is an official image from final hours HL:A, it can be cannonical. It's intresting how they showed him in this... Kinda unusual way, the way players are NOT USED to see G-man
Well, in our universe and in others, things like G-Man are not like us at all, we are just mortals, and there'll be things where all known knowledge will be in vain, because the understandings and knowledge of G-Man and him superiors can only be understood by things like them, beings that are not mortals, things that pass all our understanding.