Portalize(r) on Portal 2 Engine Branch. A Portal 1 mod that I created from the P2009 source codes and level recreations inspired by the assets of the mobile version of Portalize. But this mod based on Source SDK 2013 is now ported to Portal 2 Engine Branch / Strata Source (Portal: Revolution) due to problems with the coding of the lasers. Now it is compatible with VR support! For download the link in description > moddb.com/mods/portalizer/downlo…

Does it say TBD on mod page since it isn't fully finished yet?
This is a complete mod except I forgot to modify this
I remember seeing that on youtube a few years ago, it was a mobile knockoff wasn’t it? I remember seeing a few videos on it, I think from the Dev’s channel. He showcased controller support and some Angry Birds thing. Nice work
Thank you very much, it took me a while to redo it ^^