HECU #WestehMeets his demise! (Gordon Freeman) He's such a smart fella! What's that device he's holding? Westeh wonders what it does! (I'd love to nitpick the problems that I don't feel like fixing, but I don't feel like doing that.)

HECU #WestehMeets his demise! (Gordon Freeman) He's such a smart fella! What's that device he's holding? Westeh wonders what it does! (I'd love to nitpick the problems that I don't feel like fixing, but I don't feel like doing that.)
Holy Schrodinger's Cat! This looks amazing!
Thank you! I initially had uniform, clean lines but I changed them to better fit the (painterly? idk) style I’m more comfortable with.
Even if there are slight imperfections, it looks pretty badass! 🤘 Great stuff,
True, thanks! I honestly don’t care much for the competition, I just thought it would be a great opportunity to practice rendering art since most of the art I’ve made my entire life has been sketches.
Hopefully it’s the Medic from TF2, since he could resurrect Westeh (And would likely take his soul while he has the chance lol)
What did I say, you got it! You deserve it man!
I am not surprised if you win Westeh's Pick! This is awesome man!
Thanks! (Hopefully!)
Well I have faith in you! I don't even care about mine anymore, I just want you to win!
Haha thanks for the support!
This is great!