New Update - Introducing Featured Posts! Staff and subcommunity moderators can now Feature posts. Featured posts are given a special badge and highlight, plus a slight boost on trending feeds. Authors of featured posts also get a special achievement on their profile. Our goal behind Featured posts is to reward high-effort content and spotlight original content that deserves attention. There aren’t any specific requirements to be featured, although we will focus on content that is original (that means stuff you’ve made yourself) and high-effort. To be clear — Featured posts can only be awarded by staff and moderators — at their own discretion. Please don’t beg or ask to be featured, or if you can buy them. Subcommunities with their own teams (GoldSrc, Entropy : Zero, Left 4 Dead etc.) may choose to curate Featured posts in their own way. Note: This is unrelated to the featured artwork in community sidebars (which still exists as a separate feature), although featuring artwork will also Feature the post.
And yes we have featured this post. Featured post talking about Featured Posts update feature ⭐️
wait. this is made IN GMOD. todays date is May 27. when did GMOD come out? 2006. GMOD COMMUNITY COMES OUT MAY 27 3OO6! im to smart for this community. T o T a L l Y