Heya guys! So right now I feel quite like wasting hours of my life on something. So I've decided to right (probably wrong and overly detailed) of the Half Life games and expansions. But first I'll have to clarify some things: Black Mesa will be the starting point, as I personally feel like Black Mesa's worldbuilding and minor details could help me alot to make my text longer than it has to be. I'll be leaving the text in the description (or whats of it right now) so yeah buy imma drink some pepsi.

In Half-Life; you take control of former 27 year-old MIT graduate Theoretical Physicist scientist with a P.h.D called Gordon Freeman, who works at the Black Mesa Research Facility, an american research institute located along the giant limestone mesas of the state of new mexico, built over several decommisioned missle silo complexes during the 1950's. Black Mesa personnel excell at topics like theoretical physics, teleportation experimentation, and other subjects like the study of radioactive elements and the study of the alien borderworld of Xen. Gordon Freeman is running late, the current time is 8:47 am, current topside temperature 91 degrees farenheit. is gets on one of the trams (which is wierdly devoid of intelligent life) and goes off to the Sector-C Test Labs to work. After a long and tedious trip, the tram finally stops at the entrance to the labs, a (allegedly) cloned security guard apart of the Black Mesa Security Personnel comes up to the tram door to verify your identity, he greets you and reminds you that you must get your lazy a$$ to the test chamber... Gordon goes inside the big hallway that connects both entrances, from the window watches another security guard. He notices that Gordon cut his charming ponytail off. Sellout... Today is just like any other work day, the only difference is that something will go so wrong that the word "cataclysmically" would be a serious understatement. Computers are crashing, equipment is exploding, something ain't right, Gordon run towards the break room to get 1 shot of your favorite carbonated beverage "Enjoy", Gordon enjoys (Get it? Like the name of the soda?!) the soda and goes to talk to one of his security guard buddies, he accidently trips and his hands hit the microwave very hard. Which causes it to malfunction and make a delicious, juicy, mouth watering casserole to explode inside of the microwave. What a freaking waste...