
Happy birthday to 23 years of Half-life. Half-life 1 is now officially 23 years old and it is a game that I will never forget. It is the most organic game in the series and I will defend it until I die. I love the gameplay, story and world Half-life had set up with the Black Mesa Research Facility. Which imo is the most interesting Half-life character. Happy 23th Birthday Half-life!

It also may be Opposing Force's 22th Birthday today, but that release date seems to be over the place. Either way, I didn't celebrate Opfor and love how the game is the same age as Shephard now.
Happy birthday to 23 years of Half-life. Half-life 1 is now officially 23 years old and it is a game that I will never forget. It is the most organic game in the series and I will defend it until I die. I love the gameplay, story and world Half-life had set up with the Black Mesa Research Facility. Which imo is the most interesting Half-life character. Happy 23th Birthday Half-life!

It also may be Opposing Force's 22th Birthday today, but that release date seems to be over the place. Either way, I didn't celebrate Opfor and love how the game is the same age as Shephard now.

Happy birthday to 23 years of Half-life. Half-life 1 is now officially 23 years old and it is a game that I will never forget. It is the most organic game in the series and I will defend it until I die. I love the gameplay, story and world Half-life had set up with the Black Mesa Research Facility. Which imo is the most interesting Half-life character. Happy 23th Birthday Half-life! It also may be Opposing Force's 22th Birthday today, but that release date seems to be over the place. Either way, I didn't celebrate Opfor and love how the game is the same age as Shephard now.

Gordon Susman
Gordon Susman
Nov 19, 2021

Best game and best expansion to this day!