
The third and final phase of a loyal citizen may sound like a giant leap from phase two but those who have already gone through the first phase of procedures say its too late to turn back so why not finish it, After all, This is what we all have been striving for, Biological immortality.

Although the first batch of soldiers with this kind of augmentation will have a higher ranking among the Overwatch, the long-term plan is to give all the soldiers and people of this world a similar gift when the time is right.

As a soldier, Depending on what skills you've shown in the field, the third and final augmentation may vary, If they see your skills to be useful as a Suppressor or a Charger your body will be changed to fit that role, If you'd shown leadership skills you'll be given the role of a squad leader and so forth, In very rare cases when loyalty and skill are at it's best, Becoming an Overwatch Elite carries no greater honor.

One may ask, Why do we need to base military roles on skilled soldiers when we can just program their skills into that role? The answer is simple, We need Soldiers with natural skills to show the lead so that we can analyze their behaviors and that we can transfer all their combined knowledge into future recruits, We need to base our knowledge directly from the source, Knowledge is power after all.

If you've gotten this far, There's no doubt in your mind anymore, You know who you are, You know what you've become, You know who you serve, You now stand loyal to the seventeen segments of the transhuman army from the universal union called the Combine Empire.

The third and final phase of a loyal citizen may sound like a giant leap from phase two but those who have already gone through the first phase of procedures say its too late to turn back so why not finish it, After all, This is what we all have been striving for, Biological immortality. Although the first batch of soldiers with this kind of augmentation will have a higher ranking among the Overwatch, the long-term plan is to give all the soldiers and people of this world a similar gift when the time is right. As a soldier, Depending on what skills you've shown in the field, the third and final augmentation may vary, If they see your skills to be useful as a Suppressor or a Charger your body will be changed to fit that role, If you'd shown leadership skills you'll be given the role of a squad leader and so forth, In very rare cases when loyalty and skill are at it's best, Becoming an Overwatch Elite carries no greater honor. One may ask, Why do we need to base military roles on skilled soldiers when we can just program their skills into that role? The answer is simple, We need Soldiers with natural skills to show the lead so that we can analyze their behaviors and that we can transfer all their combined knowledge into future recruits, We need to base our knowledge directly from the source, Knowledge is power after all. If you've gotten this far, There's no doubt in your mind anymore, You know who you are, You know what you've become, You know who you serve, You now stand loyal to the seventeen segments of the transhuman army from the universal union called the Combine Empire.

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