all im saying is what if kleiner was the scientist who sent gordon to xen. What If (sorry for the weird format, had to make it fit into > 4 images)
all im saying is what if kleiner was the scientist who sent gordon to xen. What If (sorry for the weird format, had to make it fit into > 4 images)
Why, how interesting! It appears that someone has made illustrations of one of my latest diary entries! (This is so cool, Kleiner is my favourite character so this is amazing to see :D)
That is SO good, and interesting!!! I never saw Cleiner that way! Reading his thoughts, especially very logical and rational tbh on all that freeman=messiah thing. I love when someone thinks about Gordon in non-hero way....
I absolutely love this side of HL2, the idea of Gordon being this messiah and savior to humanity after the combine rule. I'd love to see more of this!