Exploring Valve Archive, part 21. valvearchive.com>archive>Left 4 Dead>Left 4 Dead 2>Art>Survivors> Of all the elements of Left 4 Dead 2 that made it a fantastic game, none had as much thought and careful planning put into it as the main cast. The survivors of L4D2 went through a number of iterations before settling into their final designs. Previous character designs considered were Ceda workers, newscasters, medical staff, and characters of various other backgrounds and ethnicities. Within the early concept sketches, the likenesses of TV and Film personalities are observed, such as Richard Ayoade, Rainn Wilson, Bruce Willis, and Mark Wahlberg. These are likely used as references for designing strong personalities, the influence of which may be felt with Nick's presence being somewhat similar to Willis' and Wahlberg's within the final game.
Something tells me this guy owns his own beet farm.
He looks like AVGN ngl
Bonus concept art: knight_viking.jpg Yeah, I don't know either.
man looks like that one guy from IT Crowd