Today I discovered three more magazines used as the texture of the magazine shelf in Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2!! If someone could provide me the extracted texture of the model in the comments, that would be greatly appreciated! It would help me find these easier, and it could give other people in the community the opportunity to find some too! :D So far 8 out of 18 have been discovered! You can find them all here: hl2-beta.ru/index.php?topic=2919…

Wouldn't it be great if someone updated the magazines in-game to HD using these finds
Yes that would be awesome! First step is finding them all though.
It must be easier said than done, Keep it up you're doing great :)
Would be a lot easier if I had access to the actual texture it's self. I'm going off a single crusty screenshot of the model in-game. I could definitely use some help with this.
Well, I tried to help but for some reason, my l4d2 model's folder is lacking kind of everything, So I can't find the VTF file in question, Not as a hidden file nor as a root file so I'm out of ideas, Maybe you have the missing files.
I dont have access to my main computer, let alone my Steam account at the moment. There's nothin' I can do. :(
Yeah that could be problematic
Try Left 4 Dead, looks like you have it.
I've checked there now too and found nothing, In fact, many of my source games right now don't have a single texture file folder in them for some reason.
I only found these 2 textures in the files of the first Left 4 Dead. Both are only 512x512 in resolution, so reading them can be... problematic.
I've never seen those magazines seen on the first texture sheet! Does the sheet go unused? Or am I completely missing something? The second one is definitely the one I've been looking for though. Thanks a whole bunch man! I might try and reverse image search some of these covers. Probably won't work, but it'll be worth a shot. Here's all of the magazines discovered mapped out on the texture sheet.
Heya I just found one of the books seen on that second texture sheet you shared with me! It's kind of an interesting coincidence too, since Martin Luther King Jr. day is in three days! Interestingly though, the child's face in the front seems to be scribbled out on the texture sheet. I imagine this was for some weird issues regarding privacy. Even though the texture is so heavily compressed.
Where in the files did you find these textures?
In the game folder there is a zipped file "pak01_dir.vpk", inside this file there is a folder with all the textures used on the models.