Trying to draw my OC with elongated-stylization. But I'm not sure if it worked. Apparently female characters look a bit odd when I draw them like this. Oh well! Now I know. G-Man looks good at least. :3 As usual, please ignore if you dislike OC stuff because I'm still terrified about posting persona/OC art here. D: I will probably just post this stuff to my profile once that feature is implemented. As to what's actually going on... I dunno; G-Man's probably wondering why she's staring at him. >.>
Kinda reminded me of this
Just... no.
Great stuff!
Enough with all the comments saying they look related; they're co-workers. The reason there's similarities is they're the same unknown species posing as humans, dammit.
Lutece Twins intensify :P
They're not related!
Neither were the Lutece twins, technically lmao
Either's G-Man's Sibling or Co-Worker.
Co-worker! >.<