
A theory about Half-Life: Alyx (spoiler alert) I was playing EP1 and at the scene where we see tha Advisors at the Citadel Alyx doesnt know what they are but at HL Alyx she clearly saw them and Russel too. So, this can confirm that HLA back in time travel by G-Man was obviusly done after ep1 during (in my opinion) the ep2 finale so HLA and the final sequence of EP2 occur at the same time. This can means that there is not a new past from HLA to ep2 or may be there is, but their memories were delete in order to get to the EP2 finale again and claim Alyx at the present (the Alyx of HLA may be returned to his normal life to reach ep2) closing the paradox. Other case is that the past was alter at ep2 doing some alterations to the events from hla time to the ep2 present. I just need information about the past after EP2 in order to know what Gman did exactly at hla and ep2, this incoginite chases me since I saw Half-Life: Alyx...... Which is your theory about this? Does anyone have any hint about this matter nowadays??

Feb 24

half life alyx alyx doesnt know what advisors are eithee

Feb 24

Because thats the first time that they saw them and at ep1 the second.

Reply to Dovah
Feb 24

i still dont think she’d know especially with the five year gap..

Reply to luma112
Feb 26

She of course cant know what they are if the vorts never tells to anyone but she atleast can say she saw them once long time ago. The thing is that the conclusion that i have with other ppl too is that hla is a pocket reality that only exist to prove alyx as a good agent