
Sep 27, 2022

Oh, I've got a tip that might help you with these photos, Xash3D has the 'playersonly' command from ut99 which freezes the game but allows you to keep moving around (and shooting if you wish). That would be super useful if you want to take action shots like this. You can also use it to set up cool stuff like, freezing time then shooting a bunch of mp5 nades which will only start actually flying when you resume time. That way you can make a bunch of explosions all at once, shit like that.

Sep 27, 2022

Sounds awesome! Thanks for this tip! I will do that especially for straight screenshots! When I take a photograph of the monitor with a camera, I can play with this motion blur, which is not present in conventional screenshots.

Reply to Kersten
Sep 27, 2022

Ahh, I did notice the motion blur on one of your others as well, it works surprisingly well. There are also other console commands to hide the hud and your weapon model if you want to totally clean screenshots. I can grab them from my config when I get home from work if you need em.

Reply to reaction
Sep 28, 2022

I'm actually familiar with the configs, I've already made a photo mode that I can activate at the push of a button. This hides the HUD and weapons. I can also directly set different angles of view. But I still want to thank you very much <3