
I have officially completed all achievements for Half-Life 2! Still have to do the episodes but I'll get to them when I have time.

I have officially completed all achievements for Half-Life 2! Still have to do the episodes but I'll get to them when I have time.

Feb 24, 2022

Nice job, Bob! Personally, my favorite achievements to get were Ep1's One Free Bullet and Ep2's Neighborhood Watch. They're certainly hard, but so much fun!

Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D


[S҉W҉E] ҉҉P҉ans҉aR

Nice, These 48hrs I one-hundred percented three HL2 Mods, Snowdrop Escape, FIREFIGHT RELOADED, and The Forgotten Ones, In that order.

Half life 2 zombine

I only have lambda locator and zombie chopper left!