He Helped The Scientist escape and gaurds as he found the orders to be cruel a one of his comrades would snitch on a high rank and would be lead into a trap and would be shot 10 times and a soldier would write next to his dead body Traitors Die
Map editor for MMod here.. the idea was that he just didn't follow orders as he thought it wasn't right and got shot by his superior officer and it was used as a lesson to others not to disobey orders, his squad can be seen dead in the airlock room ahead. They got ambushed by headcrabs and zombies. The superior officer can be seen with satchel charges near the big door, as they were trying to blow it open to get into the Lambda Complex.
He Helped The Scientist escape and gaurds as he found the orders to be cruel a one of his comrades would snitch on a high rank and would be lead into a trap and would be shot 10 times and a soldier would write next to his dead body Traitors Die
My bad on that just the im not a english speaker
Actually, "Traitors" is the correct way to say it, but on your screenshot it is clearly misspelled as "Traiters".
Map editor for MMod here.. the idea was that he just didn't follow orders as he thought it wasn't right and got shot by his superior officer and it was used as a lesson to others not to disobey orders, his squad can be seen dead in the airlock room ahead. They got ambushed by headcrabs and zombies. The superior officer can be seen with satchel charges near the big door, as they were trying to blow it open to get into the Lambda Complex.
oh ok