UPDATE FOR ALL STEAM GAMES RELEASED February 9, 2004, 6:26 pm · Greg Coomer An update for all Steam games has just been released. See below for a list of what's included. As always, Steam will update your games automatically. Dedicated Servers will be required to restart. If you're a server admin and you have trouble using the HLDS update tool, you can download the latest dedicated server updates here. ENGINE (all games) - Small CPU optimizations - Stop motdfile from having "..","","/" or ":" characters in filename - Added new command line option "-dll"; Syntax is -dll [game_dll_to_load] - Fix for updated files on the server not getting to the client when using compression - Fixed extremely large rcon packets not being returned correctly CSTRIKE - Increased hit damage for elite pistols (slightly) - Decreased price for elite pistols to $800 - Optimized entity lookup routines to reduce CPU load - Fix xm1014 and m3 from making endless empty clip sounds when out of ammo - Fixed shield bug where client could purchase multiple primary weapons - Cstrike spectator health fix (switching players sometimes left health display incorrect) - Cstrike lastinv fix (lastinv works at start of round, after picking up items, etc) - Cstrike corpse popping fix - Cstrike FL_FAKECLIENT fix (3rd-party bots should work fine in cstrike once more) - Fixed file leak in ReadWaveFile() function DEDICATED SERVER - Change white background to black for status bar on console app DEATHMATCH CLASSIC - Added support for command menu