
Half-Life 2's 20th anniversary update is soon, everybody. Something big is coming. Now we just have to wait for it to come out. Anyways, less known news is that Half-Life 2 RTX is now on Steam! Go over to it's page and give that Wishlist button a press, will ya? The game will be free for users who own Half-Life 2. Nvidia is also running contests and giveaways for a Half-Life-themed graphics card! Black Mesa: Blue Shift Focal Point is releasing on November 17, the same date Left 4 Dead 2 released. Speaking of Left 4 Dead 2, Valve is celebrating it's 15th anniversary by making it free for 3 days, with an 80% discount until the 18th, so if you've been wanting to get the game, now's the perfect time to do so. Good Guy Nicks everywhere.

Southbound Pachyderm

Maybe I misread, but L4D2 is free for three days, but also 80% off at the same time?

Nov 15, 2024

Yes. It's (or, was) free-to-play for 3 days, and has an 80% discount that will stay until the 18th, one day after the free discount is over. I'm guessing it's for people who want to support valve and as a "last chance" kinda thing.

Reply to MissingTexture
Southbound Pachyderm

Ah, gotcha, thanks for the clarification.