Remember that time I asked for girl advice? Well now I’m starting small talk with her and things are looking good, thanks for the advice you guys!

Remember that time I asked for girl advice? Well now I’m starting small talk with her and things are looking good, thanks for the advice you guys!
99.9% of us on this site are all single, but we managed to help this guy get the girl of his dreams. We've done good team, we've done good.
I haven’t asked her out yet, but I’ve been doing some small talk with her
u literally comment on my posts everyday wydm u never talked to a girl
small talk is the first step !!!!!! goodluck bro
I couldn't find the one that said "Hasn't dated in years..." so that was the next best thing
that implies u dated before,,, crazy rng for ur situation
I haven't bagged a girl since I was in kindergarten
i have never “bagged” in my life
Damn that's crazy.
If she says "do whatever you want", absolutely DO NOT DO whatever you want. It's a trap.
nice one man!!!
Is it bad that I actually remember this episode?
Good to hear!
Good to hear - if you could use the LambdaGeneration subcommunity for posts like this though
Yeah sorry about that man, it’s just that a few people were interested in how things were going with the girl, from now on I’ll be doing these posts as just profile posts since they’re kinda unrelated
Given the context, it's ok - but the LG sub or personal posts are great for off-topic things
it was my advice obviously B)
no fuckin way