I've always been a fan of that Half-Life 2 water hazard title screen. As a kid, something about it resonated with me. I've been working on this ambience remake for around a week. It was a pretty straight-forward process. Early on, I knew I wanted it to be a bit more green. I also expanded the horizon and moved City 17 and the citadel to that side of the "map" for composition reasons. It was all made and rendered using the original Source Filmmaker, where I scenebuilt the entire environment in a huge empty void. I only used Blender for porting models, and Photoshop for some retexturing, as well as DaVinci for post processing.

Thank you Alex!
nice work. looks like a scene for Alyx
The amount of work put into this is amazing and beautiful, I love it so much. This almost hurts because of how many memory's I remember from my childhood
Thank you I appreciate it !