Anyone else remembered Azure Sheep? I just did a recent playthrough of it, and MAN it's... not as good as I remembered. I don't remember it being 90% hallway, and Kate's AI felt worse than I thought (it took her 3 tries to kill a single zombie without dying) I don't entirely dislike it though, it had some neat concepts and ideas for its time, just that it wasn't executed well (and in some cases, couldn't be done well at the time).

Welp, most of people remember it like 40% hallways. I suggest to play Point of view, it is tied in Azure Sheep story and have much better maps
Oh yeah, I've been playing Point of View now. I remember enjoying it more than Azure Sheep. The Vortigaunt beam is really powerful, along with the really good self-heal. The level design is already an improvement, however I have ran into a rather sour spot with the Special Ops base, considering how much it's a copy paste maze. But I do remember that was the only sour spot in the game for me at least! (I hope that I remembered right aaaaa)